08-10 May, 2009
Genova, Santa Marherita Ligure, Italy
Dear Doctor,
I have the pleasure to write you from the word of Professor Maurizio Cutolo, Chairman of the 4th International Conference on: NeuroEndocrine Immunology in Rheumatic Diseases Translation from Basics to Clinics, which will be held in Santa Margherita, Genova - Italy, from May 8th to 10th 2009 - organized under the auspice of Several International Societies including EULAR.
The aim of the Congress will be to present interesting neuroimmunoendocrine aspects of the pathophysiology of Rheumatic Diseases presenting new aspects for diagnosis and therapeutical intervention.
This edition will be particularly dedicated to the translation from Basics to Clinics with several clinical sessions on new therapies in rheumatic diseases.
As Organizing Secretariat we have the pleasure to present you the Scientific programme and the Registration Form useful to register to the course.
Please, visit also the Conference Web-site: www.4thNEIRD.com for the Registration on line and Abstracts Submission.
Proceedings and selected presentations form your abstracts will be published on the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Dead line for Abstract Submission: March 3rd, 2009
Deadline for registration: April 10th, 2009
Thanking you very much for your attention, we remain at your disposal for any further need.
Congress Secretariat:
Elsevier Srl
Via Paleocapa, 7
20121 Milano
Tel +39 02 88184256
Fax +39 02 91390682
e-mail: conference@4thNEIRD.com