
Dear Sir / Madame
We have the honor of hosting the rheumatologic ultrasound course for the EULAR organization (European League Against Rheumatism) in 2009. So far 15 EULAR courses on rheumatologic ultrasound have been held with great success.
The 16th course is in Copenhagen, Denmark, 7th to 10th of June 2009 just prior to the EULAR congress itself. It has been organized as a 3-day course with 3 levels: basic, intermediate and advanced. Each level is for 30 participants, all rheumatologists.
We have enclosed the preliminary program and the announcement can be seen at the EULAR website. The essence of the course is the use of ultrasound including Doppler in the evaluation of joints and tendons, grading of inflammation as well as the use of ultrasound in peripheral nerves, pediatrics and in arthritis.
The technical issues including important artifacts will be embedded in the lectures, as theses issues in our experience are not very well understood. The aim of the course is to enable the participants to evaluate their patients during treatment both for every day use and for clinical trials.
Hands-on sessions are a part of the course with five participants and an instructor per ultrasound machine.
The lecturers are all from Europe - all experts in the various fields of rheumatologic ultrasound and active in research.
We apply for an educational grant, which will be used to finance the invited international faculty (plane, hotel and food during the course), patient transportation, course material and congress dinner (download 16th Eular Sponsorship opportunities).
All the biological drug companies have been invited on the same terms.
We hope you find the above interesting and would like to participate as a sponsor.
Course organizers
Lene Terslev, MD, PhD, and Marcin Szkudlarek, MD, PhD Rheumatology departments of Herlev and Koege hospital
Congress Secretariat:
Elsevier Srl
Via Paleocapa, 7
20121 Milano
Tel. +39 02 88184.409
Fax +39 02 93661.584
e-mail: 16eularcourse@elsevier.com
We have the honor of hosting the rheumatologic ultrasound course for the EULAR organization (European League Against Rheumatism) in 2009. So far 15 EULAR courses on rheumatologic ultrasound have been held with great success.
The 16th course is in Copenhagen, Denmark, 7th to 10th of June 2009 just prior to the EULAR congress itself. It has been organized as a 3-day course with 3 levels: basic, intermediate and advanced. Each level is for 30 participants, all rheumatologists.
We have enclosed the preliminary program and the announcement can be seen at the EULAR website. The essence of the course is the use of ultrasound including Doppler in the evaluation of joints and tendons, grading of inflammation as well as the use of ultrasound in peripheral nerves, pediatrics and in arthritis.
The technical issues including important artifacts will be embedded in the lectures, as theses issues in our experience are not very well understood. The aim of the course is to enable the participants to evaluate their patients during treatment both for every day use and for clinical trials.
Hands-on sessions are a part of the course with five participants and an instructor per ultrasound machine.
The lecturers are all from Europe - all experts in the various fields of rheumatologic ultrasound and active in research.
We apply for an educational grant, which will be used to finance the invited international faculty (plane, hotel and food during the course), patient transportation, course material and congress dinner (download 16th Eular Sponsorship opportunities).
All the biological drug companies have been invited on the same terms.
We hope you find the above interesting and would like to participate as a sponsor.
Course organizers
Lene Terslev, MD, PhD, and Marcin Szkudlarek, MD, PhD Rheumatology departments of Herlev and Koege hospital
Congress Secretariat:
Elsevier Srl
Via Paleocapa, 7
20121 Milano
Tel. +39 02 88184.409
Fax +39 02 93661.584
e-mail: 16eularcourse@elsevier.com