EULAR - news alert
Dear all,
We are happy to send you another EULAR news alert. As in the past, we kindly ask you to forward this message to the individual members of your society.
The focus of today's newsletter is on education. EULAR offers manifold possibilities to trainees and specialised rheumatologists to broaden their knowledge. Currently, applications are welcome for these programmes:
Training Bursaries
EULAR grants up to 10 bursaries to European applicants who wish to spend 3-6 months doing clinical or laboratory work in a university or hospital of another European country. To learn more about the programme, please visit: Applications are welcome until 31 March 2009.
Allied Health Professionals educational visits
A similar offer is available for health professionals working in the field of rheumatology. EULAR grants up to 10 bursaries to enable health professionals to go abroad and benefit from the experience of health professionals in another country. Application deadline for this programme is also 31 March 2009. Please use the following link to obtain more information about this offer:
Bursaries to attend these non-EULAR courses:
Postgraduate Course and On-line Course
During the next few days, registration for 2 of the most popular EULAR courses will be opened. Visit the EULAR website to secure yourself a place at:
As last topic, we are very happy to inform you about another source of information and education:
Annals of Rheumatic Diseases - the EULAR Journal
The Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, one of the leading international journals for rheumatology, has improved and enhanced its website with many new features. Now it is much easier to navigate and find the content that is relevant to you as a busy rheumatologist. Look at the Top Ten most popular articles read in the last month. You can also view the on-line archive – now available back to 1946 – Volume 1, Issue 1. All this and much more including the current issue and On-line First, forthcoming articles published ahead of the print version. Make sure you make time to visit this valuable resource at
Thank you very much for circulating this e-mail to your members.
With all kind regards
EULAR Secretariat
Seestrasse 240
CH-8802 Kilchberg
T: +41 44 716 3030
F: +41 44 716 3039
We are happy to send you another EULAR news alert. As in the past, we kindly ask you to forward this message to the individual members of your society.
The focus of today's newsletter is on education. EULAR offers manifold possibilities to trainees and specialised rheumatologists to broaden their knowledge. Currently, applications are welcome for these programmes:
Training Bursaries
EULAR grants up to 10 bursaries to European applicants who wish to spend 3-6 months doing clinical or laboratory work in a university or hospital of another European country. To learn more about the programme, please visit: Applications are welcome until 31 March 2009.
Allied Health Professionals educational visits
A similar offer is available for health professionals working in the field of rheumatology. EULAR grants up to 10 bursaries to enable health professionals to go abroad and benefit from the experience of health professionals in another country. Application deadline for this programme is also 31 March 2009. Please use the following link to obtain more information about this offer:
Bursaries to attend these non-EULAR courses:
- 4th International Conference on NeuroEndocrine Immunology in Rheumatic Diseases: This course will be held from 8 to 10 May in Genoa, Italy. Young rheumatologists who have submitted an abstract to this meeting are welcome to apply for one of the 10 EULAR bursaries at 500 Euro each. To learn more, please visit:
- 4th European CellAid Symposium: This meeting will take place on 18 to 20 March in Potsdam, Germany. Use this last-minute chance to apply for a bursary of 500 Euro. You will find detailed information on:
Postgraduate Course and On-line Course
During the next few days, registration for 2 of the most popular EULAR courses will be opened. Visit the EULAR website to secure yourself a place at:
- The next EULAR Postgraduate Course, to be held from 28 September to 2 October in Naples, Italy
- The next EULAR On-Line Course on Rheumatic Diseases, starting on 14 September 2009.
As last topic, we are very happy to inform you about another source of information and education:
Annals of Rheumatic Diseases - the EULAR Journal
The Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, one of the leading international journals for rheumatology, has improved and enhanced its website with many new features. Now it is much easier to navigate and find the content that is relevant to you as a busy rheumatologist. Look at the Top Ten most popular articles read in the last month. You can also view the on-line archive – now available back to 1946 – Volume 1, Issue 1. All this and much more including the current issue and On-line First, forthcoming articles published ahead of the print version. Make sure you make time to visit this valuable resource at
Thank you very much for circulating this e-mail to your members.
With all kind regards
EULAR Secretariat
Seestrasse 240
CH-8802 Kilchberg
T: +41 44 716 3030
F: +41 44 716 3039